It is an Electronic Dowsing instrument working on Scientific principles of Electronic Resonance, Quantum Mechanics & Radionics which measures SUBTLE energies including AURA. It is the Original Patented Universal Aura Scanner with ERGONOMIC Patented Design and Trade Mark with HIGH SENSITIVE TECHNOLOGY for generation of more TORQUE.
In order to understand the energies which are influencing humans we need to have a device to measure these subtle energies. UNIVERSAL AURA SCANNER is the device which has been invented and patented by us in 2005 and its advanced version is under patent in 2017. The Scanner is the basis for measuring these subtle energies (Quantum radiation frequencies) as being propounded in Quantum Mechanics and this is the device which has enabled the development of Modern Energy Medicine as well as other applications which are discussed below.
It helps in measuring the Subtle energies in BUILT SPACES including EARTH, STRUCTURE and COSMIC ENERGIES. It is the fundamental device on which the AURA MEDICINE and AURA THERAPY is based for diagnosing, treatment and prevention procedures and has also other Applications.
Universal Aura Scanner is a pair of similar devices as shown in the Figure above, one has to hold and balance them in each hand. It helps in locating the objects when the respective similar energy sample of the object is kept in the sample box of the Scanner. When one holds the Scanner and balances it,the both arms of the scanner point towards a direction of the objects or locations as per the energy sample placed in the Scanner. When one moves in that direction, it opens 180 degrees on reaching the object or location, thereby helping us to find such similar electromagnetic radiations locations or objects.
The measuring of the energies by the Scanner is based on the deflections of the arms of the Scanner. These deflection are due to the Energy intensity and the radiation pressure of the Quantum energy radiations of the Cells which create an ENERGY FLUX or AURA.These deflections protocols of the Scanner have to be properly understood by the person using the Scanner, since the interpretations of these deflections only will help the persons for measuring the energies. In order to sense the deflections which are very feeble, it requires some training and practice to balance the Scanner properly similar to the way in which we balance a two wheeler.
To measure the various energies in the human beings we need a sample which radiates a similar energy radiation to be measured, and the sample has to be placed inside the Scanner. The Scanner then measures the similar energy being radiated from the matter (Object or Human body). Lot of studies of the ancient texts and the materials used were studied to find the materials which can be used as samples to measure the energies. The process of measurement with the UNIVERSAL AURA SCANNER is detailed as follows…
- The person holding the scanner should first practice holding the scanner to be able to balance it properly to sense the deflections.
- The energy sample under consideration should be placed in both the arms of the scanner.
- The Scanner when placed before the person under consideration with respect to the sample in the Scanner will open if there is a deficit. and will close and both the arms will turn away from the person if there is no deficit. If it opens 180 degrees it is interpreted as 100% deficit and it opens 90 degrees it is interpreted as 50% deficit and Likewise. This is called as the PERCENTAGE DEFLECTION METHOD to measure energies.The figures below show the deflection of the Scanner at 0 degrees, 45 degrees, 90 degrees and 180 degrees.
- The another way of measuring is to measure the aura of energy sample in consideration in the particular person by keeping the scanner just in front of the person the Scanner arms are at Zero degrees degrees and then move away from the person till it again opens 180 degrees. The distance of the person and the point where it opens 180 degrees, when measured in meters is the Aura of that particular energy as per the sample in the person. This is called as the AURA METHOD or DISTANCE METHOD of measuring energies. The figures below show the Scanner just before the person at 0 degrees and the point where it opens 180 degrees showing the AURA of the energy being measured.
- The process as described in the (iii) point above is done to get a general assessment of the person which is called as PERCENTAGE DEFLECTION METHOD, and the process in (iv) point above is adopted is called as the AURA METHOD for accurate assessment.
The above process is adopted for measuring various energies in the human being by taking various isolated samples into consideration and the deflections which are being observed in both the above methods are due to the intensity of the Energy flux of the quantum emissions which exert Radiation pressure on the Scanner leading to the deflection.
It is worth mentioning some findings of our studies on energies with the UNIVERSAL AURA SCANNER. It is found that some yantra’s or the geometrical shapes and designs, and some Mantras the sound vibrations or chanting’s etc. emit both positive and negative radiations which can be found with the help of Scanner, by keeping the respective sample under testing. If we place the Scanner on the object, shape etc. under testing, if the Arms of the scanner open, it indicates the presence of the particular energy under testing. If it closes it indicates the absence of the particular energy of the sample under testing. For Eg. We can attribute the Indian cultural aspect of rangoli (Geometrical shapes) in front of Doors and inside Houses for generating positive energy, however it is found that some shapes are extremely negative such as NAZI symbol of anti-clockwise SWASTICA which is emitting high intensity Negative radiations when measured with the Scanner.
There are Multiple uses of UNIVERSAL AURA SCANNER, to mention a few apart from modern energy medicine. Universal Aura Scanner quantifies and measures the energy which is applicable in various fields such as Energies in built-up space (Vaastu), Astrology, Medical applications, , Agriculture science, Police and Military and Vedic science.This Scanner can measure and quantify the AURAor energy of matter. The measurement of the energies or AURA is being represented ( as named by us) in Mannem’s scale (measured in meters represented as m’).The Universal Aura Scanner understands Matter and Energy only in terms of AURA and its applications are possible in every field of science as everything in the universe emits energy. The applications of UNIVERSAL AURA SCANNER can be done in various fields of which few are mentioned below.
The Universal Aura Scanner can scan with respect to the various nine planetary energies effecting the person and find out which planetary energy frequency is in deficit. The person can be made to wear a stone that can replenish the deficit energy and neutralize its effect. The identification of the particular deficit of the planetary energy by the scanner is coinciding with the astrological calculations precisely if the date, time and place of birth of the person are accurately known.
We can even identify the deficit planetary energy even without knowing the birth details of the person. The Universal Aura Scanner can also identify the stone, which is positive, and it can also identify the most compatible stone from among the number of stones which can neutralize the deficiency.
It is found out through our research that out of all similar stones Eg. Rubies for deficit sun energy, any Ruby stone cannot be given to a person to wear it to balance the deficit energy. The compatibility of the stone has to be seen by the Universal Aura Scanner by placing the sample of the saliva of the person in a cotton swab in the sample box in the Scanner and selecting the most compatible stone out of the similar number of stones available. The compatible stone can only balance the deficit planetary energy in the individual.
The saliva sample of a person in form of cotton swab can be kept in the sample box of the SCANNER and the aura energy of the person can be measured in mannem’s (m’) scale in meters, which is normally ranging from 2.5-2.8 m’. If the Aura energy measured is less (2.0m’) it can be taken granted that the person is sick. The persons present in general medical ward found to have a energy range from 1.5 to 2.0 m’ and those who is undergoing treatment in intensive care unit have an aura of 1.0 to 1.2 m’.
A). Even from a distance the SCANNER can locate the particular organ/ organs, which are depleted in its cell energy. It shows the location of depleted parts where energy is deficit. For these observations a little knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is needed.
The advantage of the SCANNER is that it is very small and flexible and it can be carried anywhere. It can scan the body and indicate the presence of negative energy and depleted energy in the organs of the body which are causing the problem in the energy level.
B). The instrument can select a suitable, appropriate drug or a medicine which is compatible/ suitable from among many compositions to a person, from among the drugs which are known to treat the disease. It is able to select the most appropriate/suitable drugs inAllopathic, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Unani systems which can treat the disease effectively for a particular person.
The balancing of energies in the residential or work place without demolition or renovation by simple remedies using UNIVERSAL AURA SCANNER is Energy Vaastu. Every residential place or a work place has certain energy which influences the health, wealth, relationships, growth and prosperity of humans. The energy at a place is the resultant of the Cosmic energy,Magnetic energy, the Earth energies of Geopathic stress, Ulta-violet – Infrared radiation points, the Seven rainbow colours energy frequencies related SAP points on the earth surface.The structure and shape of the plot and the house, the position of Doors, Toilets and kitchen etc create cosmic energy imbalance in the structure in some cases. The cosmic energies deficiencies in different directions of the structure have to be balanced to give a healthy energy environment to the people residing in the structure or built-up space. The details of which are taught to a practitioner.
These above mentioned energies which influence the humans can be measured by Universal Aura Scanner and the negative energies can be neutralized and the deficit energies can be enhanced by various methods developed by our research Centre. Thus it helps in balancing and creating 100% positive energy in the residential or work place and help the humans in rectifying the problems in health, wealth, relationships, growth and prosperity.
Plants also bear life energy and have Aura energy just like Human beings. The seeds, herbs, flowers (Aroma) and every part of the plant serve the human directly or indirectly. Their Green color mainly gives harmony for Human survival ,(550 Thz 550 nm) supporting the entire life on earth.
This instrument is useful in many ways for selection of better seed, identifying pathological problems in advance, selecting the organic remedies like bio fertilizers/ pesticides suitable to the crop etc.The adulteration can be tested with much ease provided original sample is available. If the soil sample is given to the instrument it selects the crop which can give high yield in the respective soil.
Some research is done on this subject by working with the professors and Scientists of Agriculture and Horticulture Universities. Some research centers are using the instrument in their research and further research is being continued in Agriculture.
There is abundance of energy in the Nature in the form of electromagnetic radiations in various forms. The energy can be Positive (constructive) and Vedas called it Sakaratmak (called Devatas), OR Negative (Destructive) energy our Vedas called it as Nakaratmak( called it as rakshasas)..
UNIVERSAL AURA SCANNER can detect and help us to understand and measure the negative harmful energies, helping us either to avoid them or to neutralize them with suitable positive energy. The negative energy is neutralized and the positive energy is enhanced by using various methods like, Precious stones (Navaratnas) or Nine cereals (Nava Dhanya) or Yantra (Geometrical figures) Tantra (Sacrifice) or Mantra (Spell or sound energy) and through rituals, Homa’s, Yaga’s and Yagna’s, effect of which can be measured and proved that they are useful.
The Back ground of the Invention of Universal Aura Scanner.
The Universal Aura Scanner is the result of 20 years of research by Dr. Mannem Murthy former Scientist of Dept. of Atomic Energy who patented the instrument in 2005 with patent No 210698. Dt 5-5-2007.After taking retirement from Dept. Of Atomic Energy, Govt. Of India in 1995, he had the inquisitiveness to understand the science behind the Vedic rituals and the reasons for problems faced by humans relating to health, wealth, relationships and prosperity. After lot of study and understanding he found that every problem is related to the influence of energy on the humans which can be cosmic (planetary) energies, telluric (earth) energies and Global (Structural)Energies.
He further understood that the Vaastu guidelines and Feng shui corrections were all to enhance or supplement the deficit energies. The Agni hotra’s (Fire rituals) ,Yagnas, Homa’s were to increase the energies for achieving desired results . As everything is related to the energy he started experimenting on how to measure the different energies and the outcome after several experiments and prototypes is the UNIVERSAL AURA SCANNER.
This instrument helped in measuring the energies (AURA) of various objects and the influence of various energies such as planetary energies, earth energies, structural energies and the influence of vedic rituals, Gem stones, medicines etc. on humans. This led to the discovery of Balancing the energies in the built-up space (Energy Vastu) and AURA Medicine for the benefit of Mankind.