Vedic Aura Energy

Inventor of the Universal Aura Scanner (FRW)

+91-7671080557 / +91-6302298322

Aura Energy 7 Power Corporation.


  • Ancient Vedic texts talk about human AURA and a life span of 120 years.

  • The persons who were maintaining good AURA were living a Happy, Healthy life with good life span.

  • The Kirlian Photography and Poly interference Photography have scientifically proved that the Human AURA is Existing.

  • Our research established that HUMAN AURA can be explained by the QUANTUM THREORY which is absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiations in the form of Photons by any matter (Quantum) or CELLS.

  • The body absorbs electromagnetic energy in the range of 400Hz to 750 Hz and it can be measured by the UNIVERSAL AURA SCANNER (FRW) and the Energy Flux Pulsator invented and Patented by our organisation.

  • The Aura is disturbed when there is deficit of Energy frequencies of 400Hz and 750 Hz which can be cused due to COSMIC, EARTH, STRUCTURE and ARTICLES Energies.

  • This Energy disturbance causes STRESS to the CELLS and the CELL HOMEOSTASIS is disturbed resulting in  Human Health and Life Problems.

  • All vedic rituals and knowledge aim at increasing the AURA of the Humans which is SCIENTIFICALLY analysed and proved by our Research.

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